Historian’s Familiar Bell (single)

Written By: Yvonne Glasgow


Historian's Familiar Bell (single)

Historian is back with a new LP slated for a release on 9/14. Deeper Wells is filled with creative sounds from this LA-based singer-songwriter. There is a single available that will surely give you a taste of what you can expect from Historian’s upcoming 10-song release – that single is “Familiar Bell.”
The opening melody of “Familiar Bell” sounds like you’ve stepped into a church during a funeral service – it’s ominous and somewhat eerie. Historian’s vocals kick in, and the music is a little less creepy. The song definitely has some dark undertones. The symphonic sounds throughout are delightful. This is probably the most beautiful “warning shot” you’ll ever hear.
This song will continue to “ring” in your ears long after you listen to it – in a good way. The lyrics stand out and are memorable, even though this is anything but a “catchy” tune. This is a beautiful and haunting song. The lyrics and vocals are tight, and the talented musicianship filling in on so many wonderfully played instruments gives this track so much body and so much feeling – it really engulfs you as you listen. Two thumbs up!
You can give this track a listen on Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/historiantheband/familiar-bell
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